We Care More - Enrolling Now!

A Leadership Driven School... Forging Tomorrow's Leaders

  • Virtual Tour  Virtual Information Tour 

    PBA is one school—on two campuses.

    ♦  Brevard Public Charter  ♦ 

    ♦  Tuition Free  ♦ 

    ♦  Title I  ♦

    ♦  Free Breakfast & Lunch  ♦

    Traditional and Language Immersion Elementary (K-5) 

    2112 Palm Bay Rd. NE
    Palm Bay, FL 32905

    321.984.2710 Tel
    321.984.0799 Fax

    7:00am | Doors Open
    7:30am | Classes Begin
    7:31am | Students Tardy
    2:30pm | End of School Day
    1:15pm | Early Release Days

    Summer Hrs | 8am - 1:00pm       

    Breakfast served 7:00 - 7:30am

    Middle School (6-8)

    635 Community College Pkwy
    Palm Bay, FL 32909

    321.726.9005 Tel
    321.726.3938 Fax

    8:45am | Doors Open
    9:30am | Classes Begin
    9:31am | Students Tardy
    4:30pm | End of School Day
    3:00pm | Early Release Days

    Summer Hrs | 9am - 2:00pm

    Breakfast served | 9am - 9:25am

    Custodian of Public Records: 

    Donna Moore

    Title IX Information: 

    Inquiries or complaints about Title IX, sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or other forms of sexual misconduct may be directed to the school’s Title IX Coordinator:    Student Reporting Form 

    Title IX Coordinator - TBD

    Title IX Investigator - Marilyn Kinsel, Director of Operations, x139, kinselm@palmbayacademy.org

    Title IX Decision Maker - Madhu Longani, PBA Director, x107, longanim@palmbayacademy.org


    • PBA Google Meets Meeting:  Please join us for a monthly Google Meets meeting to review our events, discuss FOCUS, and answer any questions you may have.  Our first meeting will be on Friday, October 18th at 10 am.  To sign up for the meeting, please fill out our online form We want to make sure our families are well informed.  Your concerns are our concerns and your opinion matters!  Thank you.   PBA Administration


    • Tropical Storm/Hurricane Milton Update #4:  Good Afternoon PBA Families!   This message is for all PBA Families.  Due to the latest projected track of Hurricane Milton, and a slowdown of the storm's arrival in Brevard County, Palm Bay Academy will remain closed on Friday, 10/11.  As a reminder, today, 10/08,  is still an early release day and we will follow normal early dismissal procedures (Friday schedule).  Palm Bay Academy is closed Wednesday, 10/09, and Thursday, 10/10.   Monday, 10/14, will remain a Teacher Workday/Student Holiday. Students are expected to return to school on Tuesday, 10/15.  As new information is released, we will keep you informed.  May you and yours stay safe during the storm. 



    • Tropical Storm/Hurricane Milton Update #3:   Good Afternoon PBA Families!   This message is for all PBA Families.  Due to the intensification of Hurricane Milton, Brevard Public Schools and Palm Bay Academy will be observing an early release schedule tomorrow, Tuesday, 10/8.  We will follow normal early dismissal procedures (Friday schedule).  All afterschool activities are canceled for Tuesday, 10/08.  Brevard Public Schools and Palm Bay Academy are closed Wednesday, 10/09, and Thursday, 10/10.  At this time, Brevard Schools and Palm Bay Academy plan to be open with normal hours Friday, 10/11.  As new information is released, we will keep you informed.  Thank you and stay safe.


    • Tropical Storm/Hurricane Milton Update #2:   Good Evening PBA Families!   This message is for all PBA Families.  Brevard Public Schools has released an update (excerpt follows)…

      Due to Hurricane Milton, all Brevard Public Schools (and also Palm Bay Academy) will be closed Wednesday, 10/09, and Thursday, 10/10.  At this time, all schools are expected to be open tomorrow, Monday, 10/07, and Tuesday, 10/08. Schools are also expected to be open on Friday, 10/11. We will update families if anything changes.\

      Thank you and stay safe.


    • ANNOUNCEMENT:  Palm Bay Academy Board of Directors September Meeting is Monday, Oct 14th. The meeting is via ZOOM.  Please refer to the calendar event for the Zoom information.



    • If You Missed Our Mandatory Orientation -                        1.  Please use the link to view the PowerPoint presentation for our Mandatory Orientation. This presentation contains important information and updates on events, school operations, and school security.  Please take the time to review.    Mandatory Orientation PowerPoint

    2.  Please use the link to view the Parent Information Packet.  This packet contains some of the procedures you may need to reference. This is not a complete list.  Please read the packet completely.   Print out, sign, and turn in the Acknowledgment Form (cover page) to the Front Desk.  This is part of your required paperwork.    Parent Information Packet.


    • Employment Opportunity, School Bus Driver – Hiring Immediately: South Area Brevard, part-time, Palm Bay, FL, M-F, Pocket pickups to and from school.  Please call only if you have CDL Class A or Class B with P (passenger) & S (school bus) endorsement, Brevard School District fingerprints.  Ability to pass a background check.  Will need a physical.  Please call PBA's Main Office 321-984-2710 and ask for Cynthia.


    • Annual FERPA Notification is listed under Information/Important Links/Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)      Click here to go to link 


    • State Assessment Results - If you have not received or have questions about your child's 2023-2024 State Assessment School Results, please contact Joanne Vasquez at...  jvasquez@palmbayacademy.org 
    • State Assessment Results (SP) - Resultados de la evaluación estatal: si no ha recibido o tiene preguntas sobre los resultados escolares de la evaluación estatal 2023-2024 de su hijo, comuníquese con Joanne Vasquez al... jvasquez@palmbayacademy.org. 

    • Palm Bay Academy is tuition free and participates in the  Community Eligibilty Provision (CEP) free breakfast/lunch program so all students receive free breakfast and lunch.

    Comments (-1)
  • PBA wants you to know... 

    If you have difficulty understanding English or have a disability, free language assistance or other aids and services are available upon request. Please call: 321-948-2710
    Si ou gen difikilte pou konprann anglè oswa ou gen yon andikap, asistans lengwistik gratis oswa lòt èd ak sèvis disponib sou demann. Tanpri rele: 321-987-2710
    Si tiene dificultades para entender la lengua inglesa o presenta una discapacidad, puede solicitar asistencia lingüística y otros tipos de ayuda y servicios sin costo alguno. Llame al siguiente número de teléfono:  321-984-2710

    Brevard County Millage Referendum

     For more information on this topic, please click on the following link:    Brevard Millage/home

    PBA Proper Car Loop Procedure Reminder - 02.15.22

    Elem PBA Families:  Please do not travel south on Tropicana to enter school property.  Use Knecht Rd. NE.  Speed not to exceed 5 mph when entering & while on school property.  All vehicles (including daycare and buses) must follow car loop procedure AT ALL TIMES as detailed on Car Loop Route Map  (click link for details).   Even if the car loop is empty, you are required to follow this procedure.  Thank you for keeping our PBA community safe.

    Click here for Car Loop Route Map


    Get FortifyFL - Suspiciuos activity reporting

    FortifyFL – Now any student, educator, parent, or community member can report suspicious activity and school safety concerns directly to law enforcement and school administrators anonymously through the FortifyFL app or www.getfortifyfl.com.   

    Get SpeakOut - Anonymously report any threatening behavior or situation that endangers you, your friends, family, community or your school campus through the P3 Tips Mobile App or call  800-423-TIPS. 


    About Palm Bay Academy

    Your child deserves the best educational experience possible. At Palm Bay Academy, We Care More. We are family and our campuses have a private school feel while being tuition free.  As well as offering a high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities to our students, we also have a commitment to make certain that our students receive the best guidance and support—to ensure they feel happy and safe here and are able to thrive and achieve socially and academically.

