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PBA Transportation Services
To Our PBA Families:
Palm Bay Academy is committed to doing our part to ensure that every student is at school every day and a functioning transportation program is an integral part of that process.
To that end, we are excited to announce that Palm Bay Academy now has our own bus transportation.
PBA Bus Transportation Registration Application
Bus transportation to and from school is provided for all students who live beyond reasonable walking distance and no further than 6 miles from the school location. Regulations have been established to govern bus usage in order to avoid disruptions in transportation or school schedules, to prevent unnecessary damage or wear to the vehicles, and most importantly, to protect student’s health and safety and are to be adhered to at all times. Please refer to the “Standards of Conduct for Riding the School Bus” for a full list of rules and expectations.
To register a student for a spot on the bus, please fill out the “PBA Transportation Application Form”. The direct link is listed below.
Click Here for Student Bus Application
We are unable to take transportation applications, requests or changes over the phone because we cannot verify the caller is the legal parent or guardian of the child, and we must follow all state, federal,and/or school board laws and policies that are in place to protect student information and safety. Please fill out and hand in the Transportation application or the Transportation Change Form.
To ensure bus transportation by the beginning of the school year, please fill out and hand in the application form no later than the Mandatory Orientation.
Click Here for Standards of Conduct for Riding the School Bus
Click Here for Route Information (Currently not available)
Frequently Asked Questions
What time will my student be dropped off on early release days? All bus routes will run approximately 105 minutes earlier than on full days.
Transportation Contact: Cynthia Horgan chorgan@palmbayacademy.org
Thank you,