• The Board of Directors

    A board of directors governs Palm Bay Academy, and each member avails themselves to the public. Regularly scheduled meetings are conducted.  All interested persons are welcomed to attend.  Notice of meetings will be posted at the school.  As of June 2023, the board members for Palm Bay Academy are:

     Please click here for the Board of Directors contact List. 

     Please click here for the Board of Directors Meeting Schedule.

    The Board of Directors is here to serve Palm Bay Academy, our vision and goals for the future.  The quality education of your child is part of that vision.  Please feel free to speak to any board member should you have a question, comment or concern.   Occasionally, our board members change.  Current members are always listed on our website.  A copy of the current members can be obtained from our front desk personnel.

    Palm Bay Academy Board Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month excluding July.  ZOOM link details can be found on the calendar events under "Description".